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All of our Single Lessons (100+) are just $2.50! We also have many Multi-Lesson Bundles as well as Annual Curriculum for just $79.99!
All of the Stories in our Children's Books are told in First-Person by a Bible Character from long ago!
Choose from eight Quarterly Textbooks, each one of them containing 13 Weekly Lessons.
Free with your Kindle Unlimited Subscription! Every Bible Stories is told in First-Person by a Bible Character from Long, Long Ago! (Ex: Moses, Elijah).
Project A.R.K. is a great way to encourage others to show kindness and make our world a little nicer place to live.
Every Sunday Morning, you will now be able to wake up to a new Bible Verse to meditate on throughout the upcoming week.
If so, check out “The Kidz Rock Times”. May the stories we share inspire you and brighten your day!
My wife can now be dubbed as "The Hummingbird Whisperer"! Read her account of what happened between her and a hummingbird, one day, not long ago.
There you will find Riddles to Solve, Secret Messages to Decode, Mini Bible Lessons & Much More for your Kids!
Download "Honor Your Father and Mother", "The Power of Our Words" & "Thankfulness" for Free!